Community Events


Celebrating Lunar New Year and Making Dumplings


Celebrating Lunar New Year

This year, Metro Assist staff were excited to return to celebrating Lunar New Year in person with members of the community.

Our Community Team extended the program Parenting Across Generations, which provides learning and socialising opportunities to Chinese parents and grandparents, to hold a fun day of making traditional Chinese dumplings (饺子). We were joined by local Chinese families, Member for Reid Sally Sitou, and were able to share our experience with SBS中文!

Meanwhile, the Metro Assist Settlement Engagement and Transition Support (SETS) Program team gathered in Burwood with migrants of all backgrounds to celebrate the day by making a different type of traditional Chinese dumpling — Sweet Dumplings (汤圆). Participants made black sesame and red bean dumplings and met other members of the local migrant community.

Watch the SBS Report on the Parenting Across Generations Lunar New Year Celebration: