SkillME® - Employment support for migrants and refugees

SkillME® is an initiative for migrants to have their overseas skills and qualifications recognised in Australia. The project works with individuals and makes a comprehensive assessment of a client's experience, their aspirations and career goals, and develops a realistic plan to track their progress.

The project also engages employers and industry associations to promote the available skills, experience and work ethos in migrant communities, and to create pathways in rewarding and relevant work.

In the past three years SkillME® has helped more than a thousand people, and continues to support migrants and refugees towards recognition of overseas skills and qualifications. SkillME® also focuses on employer engagement and has successfully established partnerships with Google, LinkedIn, Engineers Without Borders NSW and Multiplex.

SkillME® is for Sydney residents only and you must hold one of the following visas: Permanent Residents, Refugee Protection Visa Holder and Asylum Seeker Bridging Visas

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