

亲子育儿课程 魔法1-2-3 和 情绪辅导 1-2-3 Magic & Emotion Coaching Parenting Program(普通话讲解)

1-2-3 Magic & Emotion Coaching Parenting Program

亲子育儿课程 魔法1-2-3 和 情绪辅导(普通话讲解)

The program will focus on simple and practical strategies to help you confidently manage your child’s behaviour with an emphasis on healthy relationships within the home and at school.

Learn about 话题包括:

  • Family bonding 家庭纽带
  • Child development and learning 儿童发展及学习的阶段和特点
  • How to manage difficult behaviours 如何处理孩子的捣蛋行为
  • Helping your child to manage their emotions
  • 如何教授孩子把握自己的情绪
  • Tips for simple and effective discipline 如何简单有效地管教孩子


Metro Assist
Level 2 59-63 Evaline Street
Campsie, NSW

To register, contact:

Suna Er
(02) 9789 3744

Session times:

Friday 24 March | 10AM – 12.30PM

Friday 31 March | 11AM – 1.30PM

Thursday 6 April | 10AM - 12.30PM


Morning tea and Free child minding will be provided!
